About us
NCFA and the NGO of the agro-tourism development of Geghard Valley have done some activities for maintaining Garni information center's daily work for its visitors.In 2011 from April to June it has hosted many tourists providing various on Kotayk province and particullary on Garni and geghard villages. The tourists have recieved brief information on the gion's attractions, accommodation, transport, food and attractions. According to the Government's Decree No. 1575 of December 18, 2008, in 2010 between the Fund and the Garni community on May 4 partnership agreement has been signed about the free use of property. According to the contract, the Fund and the Company are cooperating for establishing Garni-Geghard information center. Some repair works have taken place. Furniture and technological measures have been bought for the info-center and by the Ministry of Economy has been orgnized training sessions which were called "Culture and Turism".